Training content objective;
To increase data literacy
- Saving time by using Excel (automatization of routine work)
- Increasing efficiency in the way of doing business with the use of Excel
- To gain different and next generation reporting competencies
- To gain competence in Dashboard Making
- Data Visualization Competency increase
- Increased competence in working with data
Education Detail;
Advanced Pivot Table Features (formula-free calculation, dynamic table, slicer, dashboard reporting, adding timeline, reporting in quarter and other breakdowns)
Making Sense of Information in Large and Complex Data Tables
Functions Used in Reporting Examples (networkdays, today, rank, hyperlink, match, vlookup, getting the value on the left with lookup)
How to do advanced cell formatting?
Using Infographics in Reporting
Pivot Chart construction and design
How to connect different data sources in pivot tables?
Using infographics in all reporting
Advanced and Intermediate Excel functions
Use of the Data Validation Feature
How to use vlookup when working with big data and how to avoid errors/locks?
Using Next Generation Excel functions (XLOOKUP and INDEX MATCH)
Flash Fill feature
Subtotals (Subtotals)
Combine different tables with Consolidate
Group-Ungroup Properties
Text to Columns examples
Sharing an example of an "array" formula from Advanced Excel Functions
How to do advanced filtering in Excel? How do you apply the "sorting" you want to all excel?
Using shortcuts in Excel, sharing the shortcut suggestion set that should be used most frequently - Pulling Reports to Excel via SQL (automatization of routine reports by entering database connection information via excel-database authorization)
Formatting as a Table in Excel, naming fields and saving time on formulas
PowerPivot Example in Excel
Nested multiple functions
Examples of protecting a cell, a specific selected area or a sheet in Excel
Ready Reporting examples and set sharing
Creating alerts in dashboard tables with conditional formatting - Pulling Data from the Data Table with the Help of Multiple Criteria Using Database Functions: Dsum, Dget, Daverage Formulas - Formulas and Shortcuts to Save Time in All Excel Tables (Includes all functions mentioned in the content and shortcut combinations to be given during the training and a shortcut game to be played online)
History and Statistics functions
- Conditional Formatting to Provide Concise and Clear Executive Reporting Examples - Protecting, Encrypting and Tracking Changes to the Working Document, Ensuring that only data in the desired format is retrieved, removeduplicates, Sparklines (Mini-Charts in Cells) - A Sample Visual Basic Macro Application Ready to Use - Examples of Excel Errors in Financial Reporting from Different Companies
Circular reference and other error examples
Case Study: Reporting on a ready-made data set - Dashboard design study - Bigdata and Analytics 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 concepts study
- Is it possible to earn 11 days a year with PowerPivot application only? (Main features will be shared through Powerpivot basic example) - Sharing ready-made infographics and application examples