Advanced expert level excel training for Finance, Operations, Human Resources, Purchasing, Supply Chain, IT employees for all functions.
Achieving "Advanced Expert Level Excel" competency for employees who have been using Excel effectively and for a long time
To be able to solve complex and conditional calculations in the field related to "Array Formulas,
To be able to use advanced expert level excel functions differently and nested
To gain advanced expertise in Pivot Table, Pivot Chart, Dashboard creation,
Combine data from different data sources using plugins such as Power pivot
Specializing in excel on topics such as data visualization, data cleaning
Developing reports, infographics, and other development projects from SQL and other data sources to excel.
Day I
Gaining Applied Excel Competence through 40 Different Case-Question Sets,
Advanced Pivot Table Features (Formula-Free Calculation, Dynamic Table, Slicer, Dashboard Reporting, Adding Timeline, Reporting in Quarters and Other Breakdowns)
Making Sense of Information in Large and Complex Data Tables
Using New Generation Excel Functions (Xlookup and Index Match)
Data Visualization and Dashboard Design
Index, Rank, Hyperlink, Match, Vlookup, Hlookup, Getting Left Value with Lookup
How to Do Advanced Cell Formatting?
Examples of Advanced Data Filtering Paths
Advanced Formulation in Excel: Array Formulas
What-If Analysis
Solver Usage
Data Analysis-Data Analysis Tab Usage
Pivot Chart Making and Design
How to Connect Different Data Sources in Pivot Tables?
Using Infographics in All Reporting
Advanced Excel Functions
Advanced "Data Validation" Feature Usage Methods
How to Use Vlookup When Working with Big Data and How to Avoid Errors/Lockups?
Flash Fill Feature
Case1: Pivotchart and Dashbord Group Work on a Ready Data Set
Day II
How to Write "Array" Formula from Advanced Excel Functions?
How to Do Advanced Filtering in Excel? How To Apply The "Sort" You Want To All Excel Tables?
How to Combine Different Tables with Consolidate
To be able to pull reports to Excel via Sql (Automatization of Routine Reports by Entering Database Connection Information via Excel-Database Authorization)
Group-Ungroup Properties
Text To Columns Examples
Powerpivot Example in Excel
Shortcut Usage in Excel, Sharing the Most Frequently Used Shortcut Set
Formatting as a Table in Excel, Naming Fields and Saving Time on Formulas
Nested Multiple Functions
Examples of Protecting a Cell, Specific Selected Area or Page in Excel
Creating Alert in Dashboard Tables with Conditional Formatting
Data from a Data Table Using Multiple Criteria Using Database Functions
Withdrawal Dsum, Dget, Daverage Formulas
Formulas and Shortcuts to Save Time in All Excel Tables
History and Statistics Functions
Protect, Encrypt and Track Changes to the Working Document,
Ensuring that only data is received in the requested format,
Removeduplicates, Sparklines (Mini-Charts in a Cell) Uses
A Sample Visual Basic Macro Application Ready to Use
Examples of the Most Common Excel Errors from Different Companies
Circular Reference and other error examples
Case2: Reporting Using Powerpivot
Case3: Advanced Nested Excel Functions and Array Formulas
Can 11 Days a Year be Earned with Powerpivot Application Only? (Main Features will be Shared on Powerpivot Example)
Excel and Mobile Reporting